Mortgage Operations Professional Certificate Program

Online Course: ID# 1005971
Price: $2,995.00
About This Course:
Our "Mortgage Operations Professional Certificate Program" provides detailed training on processing, underwriting, servicing, quality control, and more for both residential and commercial loans.
Offered through CampusMortgage®, a division of the National Association of Mortgage Underwriters (NAMU)®, this is a complete course that teaches you everything you need to know about getting your client's mortgage loans processed, underwritten, and closed!
This comprehensive robust mortgage training program consists of (22) instructor-led online training modules and includes a CampusMortgage® Certificate of Completion after the completion of each course.
THE MODULESBelow are the module titles and just a few of the learning items covered in each module.
>>> LOAN PROCESSINGLoan Processing 101 - The Basics- The loan cycle
- Processor duties
- Loan documentation
FHA/VA Processing- Overview of FHA and VA programs
- Maximum Mortgage Limits
- Case Numbers
- AUS Recommendations
Tax Returns Analysis Workshop- Loan Programs
- Underwriting tools
- FHA, MPR, and MPS
Appraisal Review Workshop- Appraisal purpose/responsibilities
- Appraisal Section Review
- Credit report review
Calculating Income, DTI, And LTV Workshop- Hourly wage/salary wage calculations
- Social security and pension calculations
- PITI, PITIA, Housing Ratio, Total Ratio, and Payment Shock calculations
Advanced Loan Processing- Overtime, Bonuses, And Commissions
- Seasonal and salaried income
- Self-Employed income review
Contract Processing Jumpstart - "Everything from A to Z"- Client Retention
- Customer Service
- Hiring Additional Contract Processors
USDA Rural Housing Loan - How To Qualify, Process, And Underwrite- Rural development income limits
- Rural development property eligibility
- Lender eligibility
- Determining eligibility
- Determining creditworthiness
- Property types
- Required forms
- Review and completion instructions for 1980-21
>>> UNDERWRITINGResidential UnderwritingMortgage Underwriter 101 - The Essentials- Loan Programs
- Underwriting tools
- Credit report review
FHA/VA Underwriting- FHA/VA guidelines and rules
- Required documentation
- Underwriting/credit requirement/employment & income/assets
- Down payment requirements/borrowers minimum required investment
Advanced Loan Underwriting- Overtime, Bonuses, And Commissions
- Seasonal and salaried income
- Appraisal review
Due Diligence- Manual income, credit, and appraisal underwriting
- Writing up compensating factors
- Identifying red flags
Commercial UnderwritingCommercial Underwriting & Processing 101- How commercial loans are regulated, serviced, and reported
- Structure of commercial sales and credit teams
- The five C's of credit
- Borrowers and guarantors
- What are financial spreads
- What does a commercial credit and loan request look like
- What happens when a loan doesn't perform
Adv. Commercial Underwriting & Processing- Income Statement Review
- Personal Guarantor Tax Returns and Cash Flow
- Understanding the Sources of Loan Repayment
- Ratios
- Collateral
- Loan Agreements
>>> SERVICINGMortgage Servicing 101 - "The Essentials"- Mortgage Banking Lifecycle
- Origination Process
- Mortgage Documents Signed at Closing
- Mortgage Insurance
- Escrow Accounts
- Secondary Mortgage Market
Mortgage Servicing Laws - "The Essentials" - What is Mortgage Servicing
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
- State Regulators
- Investor/Insurer
- Regulation Z
- Regulation X
Default Servicing 101 - "The Essentials" - Default Defined
- Regulatory Oversight
- Rules & Regulation Resources
- Default Cycle: Pre-Foreclosure
- Default Cycle: Foreclosure
- Loss Mitigation
- Forbearance/Repayment Plan
- Loan Modification
>>> COMPLIANCE Fair Lending And Equal Opportunity Laws- The purpose of the Fair Lending Laws and Regulations
- Protected classes
- Understanding and avoiding lending discrimination
- How to stay in compliance
CFPB Laws - Preventing UDAAP & Other Violations- TILA - Reg Z
- RESPA - Reg X
- HMDA - Reg C
- S.A.F.E. Mortgage Licensing Act - Reg G
- Dodd-Frank: What You Need to Know so the Consumer Knows
- Applying the Rules
Borrower Protection Acts - "A Complete Overview"- Borrower's Protection Defined
- What is HOEPA?
- PMI and Homeowners Protection Act
- BSA and AML
- Who are You? (USA Patriot Act)
- Gramm-Leach Bliley Act
Quality Control 101 - "QC For Conventional Loans" - FNMA & FHLMC Overview
- Prefunding Review
- Post-Closing Review
- Record Retention
- Audit
FHA/VA Quality Control - "Everything From A to Z"- General Rules of FHA/VA Quality Control
- Guidelines and Procedures
- Credit Report Red Flags
- Reverifications
- Document Review
- Field Reviews
- On Site Review
Your CertificatesYou will receive a CampusMortgage® Certificate of Completion after completing each course listed above.
Anticipated Time To CompleteThis online program will take approximately 70 hours to complete, and includes bookmarks that allow you to stop and restart as needed.
Access InformationUpon enrollment, you will receive an email from the course provider (CampusMortgage®) with links and passwords to access your course. You will have full access to the course and training modules for one full year.