Commercial Processing & Underwriting

Online Course: ID# 1004765
Price: $395.00
About This Course:
"Commercial Processing & Underwriting 101" is an in-depth, instructor-led online program that teaches the fundamentals of commercial loan processing to new and seasoned mortgage processors alike.
It covers how commercial lending operates, including the types of borrowers that are considered, risk factors, how loans progress through the credit process, and how loans are serviced.
Course OutlineIn this course you'll learn about the different types of commercial lending specializations, process flow, and more, including:
- How commercial loans are regulated, serviced, and reported
- Structure of commercial sales and credit teams
- The five C's of credit
- Borrowers and guarantors
- What are financial spreads
- What does a commercial credit and loan request look like
- What happens when a loan doesn't perform
Upon finishing the course you will receive a Certificate of Completion and the skills required to be a successful mortgage processor.
Anticipated Time To CompleteThis online course will take approximately six hours to complete. You do not have to complete the course in one sitting - there are bookmarks in this course that allow you to stop and restart as needed.
Access InformationUpon enrollment, you'll receive an email from the course provider (CampusMortgage®) with links and passwords to access the course. You will have full access to the course for one full year.
Top FAQs
Commercial mortgage loans are used to for commercial purposes such as commercial properties, warehouses, strip centers, and multi-family houses (four or more residences).
Mortgage Brokers typically help the purchaser negoiate a loan with lending institutions.
Commercial loans typically have lower terms and lower interest rates than residential loans. Purchasers expect to make money long-term via both rent and capital gains.
Potential risk of default, especially if not enough renters, economic downturn, etc. More qualification paperwork and requirements.
Commercial Mortgage Brokers typically earn between $100 and $150,000 annually.