Products Available For The 50-50% Revenue Split
Available Accounting Courses
The following are the audio conferences that qualify for the 50-50% revenue split*. Shown is the title, date held, image, course url, and teaser text. To see the full course description for writing your ad, click on the image.
Multi-State Payroll Tax ComplianceMany states have become aggressive when enforcing their non-resident state income tax withholding rules, and state payroll tax auditors are now questioning whether or not you have workers "performing services" in their state. By attending this audio conference you will learn taxation and reporting requirements for all states where your organization has employees working - or in some cases - living.
Available Versions:
Live on: 3/20/2025. Also available via On-Demand
Course URL:
Independent Contractor Or Employee - New RulesDuring this program, you will learn how to properly use and pay independent contractors - and assist in avoiding costly worker-classification audits.
Available Versions:
Live on: 3/26/2025. Also available via On-Demand
Course URL:
Timekeeping And Taxation Of Travel PayThis audio conference covers the IRS rules regarding what is considered travel versus commute and what is an allowable expense versus taxable wages. It will enable you to understand how and when to compensate an employee for travel time away from a work site.
Available Versions:
Live on: 4/9/2025. Also available via On-Demand
Course URL:
Employee Travel Pay And Expense Reimbursement ProcessingReimbursements of employee business expenses made under accountable plans can be excluded from an employee's gross income; do you know the fundamentals of how an accountable plan works? Do you provide a per diem to your employees and are you aware of the accounting issues associated with the use of per diems? Are your employees given an advance prior to traveling?
Available Versions:
Live on: 4/17/2025. Also available via On-Demand
Course URL:
Handling Complex Payroll Payments: Deceased Employees, More...This audio conference will give you the tools to handle difficult situations when employees are deceased – all while protecting your company at the same time.
Available Versions:
Live on: 4/24/2025. Also available via On-Demand
Course URL:
Payroll Records: What To Keep, What To TossThis audio conference covers the rules for identifying, filing, retaining, protecting, and destroying your important payroll records.
Available Versions:
Live on: 5/14/2025. Also available via On-Demand
Course URL:
Cybersecurity And How To Keep The Payroll Processing Going During An OutageThis training session gives you the tools to develop a solid disaster recovery plan. By attending this training session, you will learn best practices and tips, such as where to begin and how to keep the plan up to date.
Available Versions:
Live on: 5/15/2025. Also available via On-Demand
Course URL:
Payroll Reconciliation And ReportingIn this audio conference, you will learn payroll reconciliation and reporting tips that will help you - and the rest of your company - sleep better knowing both your workers and the government are happy with payroll.
Available Versions:
Live on: 6/4/2025. Also available via On-Demand
Course URL:
Payroll Calculations: Getting Gross To Net CorrectlyThis webinar educates and updates payroll professionals on the types of deductions that employers take from an employee’s paychecks.
Available Versions:
Live on: 6/12/2025. Also available via On-Demand
Course URL:
Available Courses In Other Fields:
Steps For Generating Your Ads & Earning Commissions
- Select the course(s) you want to promote
- For each promotion, use the descriptions and/or images as provided for each course, or shorten or create your own descriptions
- Create your trackable links by adding your Referrer ID to the course url to create the link for which your customers should click to see more details/enroll - and track your commissions! In other words, [course url]&RID=[your referrer ID]
Course url =;
Your Referrer ID* = 1011111; Your ad link should read:
Note: New partners should email us with their sample ads for the first two promotions they prepare so we can review and make comments.
As always, contact your Training Center Affiliate Support Team at 770-410-9375 if you have any questions!
Getting Started
To become an approved partner, call us at 770-410-9375.
* Referral IDs are assigned when you become an approved partner, which means your organization must promote at least two of the available courses each month via an approved method such as an email promotion to your members or prospects. As an approved partner, your organization earns 50% of the selling price of these products.