Associate In Risk Management (ARM) | |||
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Earn Your ARM Certification!Searching for ARM designation training? Then you've come to the right place! offers risk management certification training and exam prep courses for those individuals who are interested in earning the prestigious ARM designation. What Is The ARM Certification? The Associate in Risk Management (ARM) designation is the undisputed professional credential for persons involved in the risk management field. The ARM designation signifies that an individual working in this field has attained a comprehensive understanding of the risk management process, from analysis to implementation and monitoring; risk retention and transfer; and the latest in advanced risk financing techniques. How To Obtain The ARM Certification To obtain the Associate in Risk Management certification, you must pass an exam demonstrating knowledge of three basic ARM courses, as well as an ethics exam. The exam for each course, ARM 400, ARM 401 and ARM 402 are 15 to 40 question multiple-choice tests that you will have one hour to complete. They are graded on a pass-fail basis. If you receive a score of passing, you will be able to receive your ARM certification. The ARM Certification Curriculum Candidates must pass an examinations for the three following courses to earn the designation: ![]() Required Courses
Naturally, preparation is the key to successfully passing the ARM examinations. The only way to be prepared for your ARM examinations is to study, and the more you study, the more likely you are to pass the test on the first try. Agent Broker Training Center has all the ARM training you need in the form of risk management courses with comprehensive, concise and focused study guides that cover everything you need to know to pass each ARM course exam. Our surveys indicate that candidates who used our study materials were more prepared in a shorter time, found the material to be complete in the information provided and passed at a rate of nearly 100 percent higher than those who used other types of preparation. The study guides include executive summaries to help you retain the most important information more quickly. If passing your ARM exams as soon as possible is important to you, you will want to order these courses right now. Recommended Exam Prep Courses For Earning Your ARM offers multiple ARM training courses and ARM exam prep materials for earning your ARM designation. Simply select any of the recommended ARM training courses below, or search under "Designations/Certifications" in the search box thereafter for "ARM - Associate in Risk Management" for the full listing or our ARM courses and ARM exam prep materials. | |||
Best-Selling Training Courses:Online Training Courses | |||
Top FAQsARM is the synonym for Associate in Risk Management. The ARM designation signifies that an individual has attained a comprehensive understanding of the risk management process, from analysis to implementation and monitoring; risk retention and transfer; and the latest in advanced risk financing techniques. You must complete three required classes, then pass the exam to earn your ARM certification. Our courses help you to study for and pass the ARM exam. Essentially, think of them as a type of Cliff Notes. Pass rate with these materials is over 90%, so they definitely help! Statewide for all exam takers, 70%, but with our courses, 97%. ARM Designees can expect to earn between $70,000 and $100,000 per year. | |||
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ARM Certification InfoExamination RequirementsARM designation courses consist of three segmented exams. This exam delivery method breaks a traditional exam into three separate exams that are shorter in length than a traditional exam. You must pass all three segmented exams to earn credit for each individual course.
Those pursuing the ARM insurance designation must pass a 50-question exam in the Ethical Guidelines For Insurance Professionals online module. This module is offered by The Institutes at no charge. If you wish to earn CE credits for passing the 50-question, objective, online exam included with it, there is a nominal $5 administrative fee. Additional Requirements Candidates are not required to meet experience or education requirements to attain this designation. Continuing Education Requirements A designee is not required to fulfill any annual continuing education requirements, nor are there any annual fees for a designee to maintain the designation. | |||
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