Life And Health Insurance Courses In Alaska
Best-Selling Training Courses:
Instructor-Led: Webinars
Online Training Courses
Earn Your Alaska Life And Health Insurance License
If you are pursuing a health or life insurance license in Alaska, or a combined life and health insurance license in Alaska, you may want to start by thinking about preparing for your Alaska licensing exam. has online and study-at-home Alaska life and health exam-prep courses to get you started. These are the same types of courses that have had proven successful at helping people pass insurance licensing exams all over the United States.
Why Get An Alaska Life And Health Insurance LicenseAlaskans always need life and health insurance, and they will be looking to you as a local Alaska insurance agent to help them. Once you pass your Alaska health and life insurance exam, you will be authorized to supply them with whatever Alaska life or health insurance coverage they may need.
About Our Life And Health Insurance Licensing Courses And Exam Prep Materials For Alaska
Remember, proper and extensive study is the best possible way to prepare for the Alaska life or health insurance exam. Agent Broker Training Center is here to give you the tools you need, tailored to your preferred method of study, with all the information required to pass the exam and get your license. Here is just some of what you receive:
- A downloadable/printable textbook that utilizes short, focused paragraphs with numerous graphics and exercises to help students learn faster and retain critical information
- Class Notes, MP3 Audio Review, and OnDemand Online Video Review that can be viewed anytime, anywhere
- State Law Supplement
- Practice exam questions
Recommended Alaska Life And Health Insurance Courses And Exam Prep Materials
To find Alaska Life and Health insurance licensing courses and exam prep materials, simply click on any of the recommended courses below or select "Alaska" and your state from the "Licensing" section of the search box below. Good luck passing your Alaska Life & Health insurance licensing exam!
Best-Selling Training Courses:
Instructor-Led: Webinars
Online Training Courses
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Alaska Life And Health Licensing Requirements
Alaska Life And Health Pre-Licensing Requirements For Resident AgentsLike all states, Alaska has its own state-specific rules as to what is required for life and health insurance licensing. However, unlike many other states, there are no particular Alaska life and health pre-licensing requirements. You do not need to put in a specific set of study hours or receive pre-licensing certification.
Despite this, we have found that it is extremely difficult to pass the licensing exam if you have not put in a significant number of study hours. The best way to make sure you pass the life and health insurance licensing exam in Alaska is to put in the work and take a proven pre-licensing course, such as those that we provide at AB Training Center.
When you are confident that you are sufficiently prepared, contact Pearson VUE to schedule your exam. You can schedule online or call 1-800-274-5993. Be prepared to pay a fee of $89.
You will need your fingerprints taken to get licensed. Contact the Department of Public Safety to get printed. Once you get your fingerprint card, you will send it to the Alaska Department of Insurance with a fee of $47. If you are taking your test at the Anchorage location, you can schedule a fingerprint reservation with MorphoTrust USA at 1-866-761-8069 or through Pearson VUE. Be sure to schedule your exam first.
Bring two valid forms of government ID to the exam. Once you pass the exam, you will be notified, although your score will not be provided. You can then apply for your license with NIPR.
Alaska Life And Health Licensing Examination RequirementsThe exam for a life insurance license in Alaska entails 110 questions, 90 of which count and 20 of which are pre-test questions. You will have two hours and 15 minutes to complete the exam with a passing score of 70%.
The categories include:

- Completing the Application, Underwriting, and Delivering the Policy
- Types of Life Policies
- Life Policy Provisions, Options, and Riders
- Taxes, Retirement and Other Insurance Concepts
- Alaska Statutes and Rules Common to All Lines
- Alaska Statutes and Rules Pertinent to Life Insurance Only
To earn your accident and health insurance license in Alaska, you will have the same number of questions, time limit and passing score requirement, with subjects that include:
- Field Underwriting Procedures
- Types of Health Policies
- Health Policy Provisions, Clauses and Riders
- Social Insurance
- Other Insurance Concepts
- Alaska Statutes and Rules Common to All Lines
- Alaska Statutes and Rules Pertinent to Accident and Health Only
Alaska Pre-Licensing Contact Information
Alaska Department of Insurance - Licensing DivisionAddress: 9th Floor State Office Bldg | 333 Willoughby Avenue | P.O. Box 110805 | Juneau, AK 98811-0805
Phone: 907.465.2515
Fax: 907.465.3422
Website: FacilityProvider: Pearson VUE
Phone: 1.800.274.5993
Website: Insurance Licensing Courses For Alaska:
DisclaimerThis information is based on state laws and regulations, and is subject to change. ABTrainingCenter makes every effort to make sure this information is current and accurate, however, ABTrainingCenter is not engaged in rendering legal or professional advice and shall not be held responsible for inaccuracies contained herein.